I decided a long time ago that I don't want to believe in a God that is angry and punitive. I've had to do a lot of deprogramming to get the place where the divine is pure love, devoid of the extravaganza of human emotion. Love to me, is a noun and a verb, not necessarily something we can generate on our own, but is who we are.

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I’ve always perceived God as Non Judging and all encompassing love, maybe there’s a deeper layer below this Anger, when all things are let out and expressed, all shall return to love

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Among the common questions that have been raised in regards to the character of God are; if God is all powerful, all knowing and omnipresent why does he allow pain and suffering to his people, why does he allow the devil to tempt his people, why did he have to plant a tree that he didn't want Adam and eve to eat and that would bring death to them if they ate it. Most of this religious texts are divinely inspired, no question about that, and the author use parables, allegories and metaphors to pass this message but religion has been increasingly unable to show the masses what this authors meant and resolve the uncertainty surrounding this teachings.

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Mar 30Liked by Dan Ehrenkrantz

Appreciate reading your "not so random thoughts", as always!

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Mar 28Liked by Dan Ehrenkrantz

Always love your random thoughts! Makes me want to pick up the bible again and have a critical read :)

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This is so good and thought-provoking, Dan! My first thought was: seems like almost every time God gets angry in the Bible he gets sort of apologetic, or does an about face. Even Jesus during Holy Week, he starts with a show of anger and then refuses to respond to violence with anger for the rest of his life. Would love to hear studied people's thoughts about that!

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